Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Instant Smile!

Hey guys, I don't know if any of y'all had the day form "you know where" like I did, but if you did then God bless. My advice is to look to the little things to brighten your day. Sometimes it's something as simple as seeing someone who makes you happy. I'm lucky enough to live with mt best friend, thank goodness, so she usually talks me down from my crazy. I also got to see an old friend today, Ashley, who is currently battling leukemia. She's just about the bravest person I know and it brings back old memories of getting kicked out of hotels in the 4th grade any time I visit her.
If you STILL need a little sunshine in your life, check out this link...

If this link doesn't make you happy, I fear you are not human.

In general, look to people who inspire you and make you happy to get your out of your funk. If all else fails, cute animals always do the trick!


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