Thursday, March 22, 2012

Myth Debunked: Pageant Girls LOVE Food

Hey y'all, so if you haven't been fortunate enough to try my baking yet, I apologize. I make some mean cake balls and my red velvet cupcakes have been known to contain rainbows and sunshine dust. Clearly, as a competitor in the Miss Delaware Organization, I often can't enjoy too many of my baked goods. This is why I wanted to hit 3 main points in my blog. 

1) Contrary to popular belief, girls who compete in pageants eat. In fact, we eat a lot. We're not always in hardcore swimsuit training mode, and we cheat every now and then too. Shhh! Don't tell my trainer!

McKenzie from Toddlers and Tiaras knows what's up.

2) You need to cheat every so often. If you deprive yourself of everything delicious, you're going to be absolutely miserable, and no one will want to be around you no matter how good you look. I'm not saying cheat often, but once a week give in and let yourself have a cookie or two...or twelve. Okay not twelve, but one or  two won't kill you!

3) There are healthier versions of your favorite deserts! All you need to get your hands on these recipes is google!

Here's a perfect example of a desert I've made the lightened up version of and absolutely loved it! It's from I promise you can't taste the black beans, and at 90 calories a pop you can afford to have 2! Every girl needs her chocolate fix once in a while  ;)


  • 3/4 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp sea salt
  • 1/3 cup Sucanat 
  • 1 cup canned or boiled black beans, drained and mashed 
  • 1/3 cup canola oil
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 2 egg whites
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 tbsp unsweetened applesauce


  1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Line an 8"x8" baking pan with parchment paper.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, combine dry ingredients.
  3. In another smaller bowl, whisk together the wet ingredients.
  4. Add the bean mixture to dry ingredients. Mix thoroughly until ingredients are well combined. Pour batter into pan.
  5. Bake for 30 minutes, or until cooked through. Insert a knife into the center – if it comes out clean, your brownies are ready.

Nutrients per serving:

Calories: 90, Total Fats: 5 g, Saturated Fat: 1 g, Trans Fat: 0 g, Cholesterol: 20 mg, Sodium: 55 mg, Total Carbohydrates: 10 g, Dietary Fiber: 2 g, Sugars: 3 g, Protein: 3 g, Iron: 1 mg
TIP: Instead of mashing the boiled beans, blend them in a food processer to get a smoother consistency for the batter – and keep them inconspicuous in the final product.
FIT FACT: Sucanat is pure dried sugar cane juice. It undergoes less processing and is slightly more nutritious than white or brown sugar, as it retains the mineral-rich molasses, which is normally stripped from refined sweeteners. It’s a bit pricier than white sugar, but it’s worth the splurge for producing clean baked treats.

There you have it: simple, healthy, and delicious! Enjoy!
Peace & Blessings

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