Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sorry for being M.I.A.!

Hey everyone! Sorry for being M.I.A. lately but things have been so hectic between Miss Delaware preparations, being in the gym, lots of exams, and greek life, but I'm back! This weekend should be pretty hectic. Tomorrow morning I have a geology exam, rocks are SO not my thing, then Alpha Xi Delta formal is tomorrow night at the Camden Aquarium in Camden, NJ, Saturday morning is Miss Delaware orientation at 9am in Milford, (which will be fun seeing as I am NOT a morning person), then AZD's annual Autism Speaks 5k, which I will be running in. Sometimes it seems like there aren't enough hours in the day. Today I had airband practice (airband is a Greek life dance competition) at 7am, I just did some homework and a little studying, I have classes, then my first ever spray tan, which should be interesting, and then a study date with a friend in my geology class. 

Even though I'm so busy, I am unbelievably excited for orientation on Saturday. This is where we receive our placement for the pageant, get to know the girls we're not already friends with, practice our talents, and we are assigned our roommates for Miss Delaware week! It seems that it's all becoming so real now, which is encouraging and overwhelming at the same time. When I was crowned Miss Coastal Bay 2012, it felt like I had lightyears before I would go on to compete for Miss Delaware, but now that my competition wardrobe is complete, my talent has been choreographed, tweaked, improved, and practiced a million times, and I'm happier with my figure than I have ever been, it seems that June 16th is right around the corner. 

It seems so long ago that last year I showed up to my first Miss Delaware orientation, a scared, self-conscious, and  for once in my life, shy young girl. I was so humbled being in a room with so many accomplished women who seemed so much more grown up than I was, and I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. My talent was unrehearsed and barely choreographed, I didn't know how to style my hair or do make-up, and honestly I wanted nothing more than to go home the whole time. This year, 16 pounds lighter, much more prepared, and very confident, I can't wait to finally feel like I'm in a room full of 18 incredible girls that I belong in. The transformation I have made within myself and physically as well has not come easy, but it is worth all of the effort I have put in. All of the time in the gym, renting rooms in the Little Bob to practice my talent, giving up a few of my favorite foods, and some intense make up and hair lessons have made me into the best me I can ever be. I finally took the tools that God has given me, and used them to improve upon myself. These changes weren't something I did for the sake of Miss Delaware, or to please anyone but myself. I have put in the hard work and the time so that I can be happier with myself, and I am proud of the sacrifices I've made, and how far I've come. The dread I felt last year about going to orientation has been replaced with a sense of excitement, and now I can't wait! I can't wait to see my old friends, make some new ones, learn production numbers, get my placement, find out who my roommate is, and watch some incredible talent rehearsals!


Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

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