Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Hey all, sorry for slacking lately. Finals week is rapidly approaching, I scored an amazing new internship, and Miss Delaware preparations are keeping me beyond busy! I conquored a Comm 200 exam, and a Spanish 304 exam, and an extra credit paper yesterday, and today is the end of classes for UD students! 

This is how I feel right now

Well, the good news is after the whole computer fiasco, spending 12 hours in the library, lots of caffeine, a few tears, and forgetting the English language, I finished and handed in my final paper. Sunday night in the library I mustered up the courage to check my grades online. Drumroll please...I GOT AN A!!!!!! Life is good with the not-so-minor exception of my impending logic final. So, if you tend to be a study slacker like me, here are some tips.

  • Go somewhere other than your house. I can't study in my house that well because I'm constantly distracted by the refrigerator (yikes), netflix, and the TV. I tend to migrate to the second floor of Morris Library to study with the largest iced coffee I can find. It helps me focus being in a quiet area and when I'm surrounded by people I can't open up facebook, netflix, twitter, etc.
  • Music. I have a killer Coldplay Pandora station I listen to when I'm studying or reading, and it totally helps me chill out and stay on topic.
  • Caffeine is your friend.
  • Set goals and reward yourself. For example, tell yourself "If i write 3 pages of this paper, I can go take a walk/get a coffee/facebook creep for 10 minutes." It works, I promise!
  • Eat well. It's impossible to focus with a growling tummy. 

Happy finals week, and may the odds be ever in your favor.

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