Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Busy Busy Busy

Hey there! I apologize for my lack of blogging, I've been so so busy lately! I'm taking twin littles in my sorority, so getting ready/executing big/little week has been crazy! I'm spoiling both of them completely rotten (obviously) and I can't wait for big/little reveal when they find out who they are! It's my favorite day again, Wednesday, and I'm getting ready to go see Big Dog at B Fit Enterprises. I woke up feeling a little yucky and I was afraid I would have to miss out on my favorite part of the day! I hydrated with about 2 bottles of water and got a little bit of protein in my system and I'm feeling 100% better thank goodness! I've found that generally when I wake up a little nauseated, a lot of it is due to dehydration, so as soon as I rehydrate I feel much better!


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