Though sometimes I'm teased about being a bit of a country bumpkin, I have loved every minute of growing up in Selbyville, DE. For those of you who don't know where little old Selbyville is, cruise all the way down route 113 and when you're on the state line of DE and MD, stop. If it looks like you're in the middle of nowhere, you've found it. With a population of about 2000 people, Selbyville is the definition of a small Sussex County town.
There it is! That tiny speck below Frankford.
So you get the point. Selbyville is pretty small and a little country, okay a lot country. The point of this blog is to say how much growing up in a small town has impacted my life, and why I'm so grateful I didn't grow up in a city. Growing up, I was never able to go anywhere without knowing someone, and word spreads faster than swine flu did in 2009. Everybody knows everything about everybody. I suppose this could be a bad thing, but I choose to see it as a positive attribute of my hometown. I have been overwhelmed lately with the outpouring of support from residents of Slower Lower Delaware. The text messages, facebook and twitter contact, and well wishes in person have been so incredibly unexpected and appreciated. It is incredible how many people are supporting me on this journey simply because I come from this area. The Coastal Point published a wonderful article about me and my preparations for Miss Delaware, and so many people have reached out to thank me for my service and provide kind words of encouragement. Essentially, this is an expression of my gratitude. Gratitude for having grown up in Selbyville, and mostly to the people of this town and surrounding area for being the best neighbors anyone could ask for. The support and love that I have received recently has been overwhelming and much appreciated. I cannot express my gratefulness and appreciation in a mere blog post.
If you would like to shoot me some encouragement or good luck wishes or prayers, please feel free to reach me through this blog, facebook, or twitter (@Lyssa_L0u). Thanks again for all the support!